A lot of people will tell you that you're supposed to write every day or write a certain amount of words per day or write even when you would rather just sleep. But, that isn't healthy. In order to put your best creative self forward, you need to learn to take breaks. You need to remember that it's okay to rest.
So, if that's the case, how does one build up a healthy and beneficial writing habit? Well, I am so pleased you asked. Here are a few ways to do just that!
Free Writing
Understanding You Aren't Perfect
Taking Breaks When Needed
Being Okay With Writing Your Emotions
Let's talk about free writing for a moment. Free writing is the idea of spending some time writing whatever comes to mind. Whether you are working on a project or not. Free writing is a time to just brainstorm. You can write nonsense or fanfiction or whatever your heart desires. Free writing is just that: free! And when you aren't forced within a box, you'll find writing to be more fun. And so when it is time for you to write, whether it be a poem or a business report, the words tend to come easier. Typically, I suggest spending 10-15 minutes free writing a day.
Now, I know this may seem odd since you are pretty amazing, but it's okay to not be perfect. It is perfectly fine for a rough draft to be rougher than sandpaper. That's what it is there for. Besides, trying to be perfect is extremely tiring and damaging to your mental health. Writing should be a way to have fun (even if you do it for a living) so if, for any reason, you begin to dread opening up your laptop to your writing app, well, at that point, it is time to take a break.
Yes! Breaks! All creatives need breaks from their art, even when it is their pride and joy. And sometimes, even if it is their career. So don't feel bad if you go for a walk instead of writing or just do something else. In order to keep yourself from burning out, you need breaks every so often. There's nothing shameful about it. An, oftentimes, you will find that your brain and your writing will thank you for it!
Last, but not least in this short post, let's talk about emotions. Emotions are powerful and they are important, so include them in your work. Write down your emotions, include them in narrative, make them visceral and real. When you're angry or annoyed or just fed up; when you're sad or overjoyed, write it down. Even if when you read it again, it makes little sense, just writing can help you come to terms with how you are feeling. Plus, if you write creatively, it will help you build your characters. And don't worry, not everything you write has to be shared with the world. Share some things for yourself.
You can do this!