This year, I promised myself that I would read 150 books. To some that seems like a large number, to others it’s what they could read in a couple months. In a summer with nothing to do back in my college days, I could easily read 10 to 15 books a week but that’s no longer the case. And while I can say I still read about 100 books a year, I haven’t had the time to knock out as many books as I would like to.
At the beginning of the year, I asked all of my bookish family, here and on my other platforms such as Goodreads and Instagram, to help me stay honest and on target with my goal. And since you are all such wonderful people, I wanted to share with you how it’s coming so far!
56/150 BOOKS!
That may not seem like a decent amount but I’m over 1/3 of the way there and ahead of schedule, thank God! And you know what else? Most of the books that I’ve read this year have been pretty awesome. I’m pretty proud that I have been dipping into a variety of genres too, from memoir to fantasy to contemporary and even (hold your breath!), romance! Some of the books, on the other hand, were not so good but hey, what can you do? ‘Tis life, ’tis life.
Now I am sure you’re wondering which books I have liked the most and which I have liked the least so far on this wordy expedition and while I can give you a few books that felt like a complete waste of time, it would be hard to declare a favorite. I do know there are some authors that I’ve fallen in love with since discovering their work this year, Iona Whishaw for example. Want to know more about her, well you can click here or here to read my reviews of her mystery novels.
On another note, let me tell you that some of the bad books have been stupendously horrible and I feel as though my expectations have been dashed. If you want to know what those books are, let me know in the comments and perhaps I’ll share a couple with you next week!
Thanks for sticking with me! How many books have you imbibed this year? How many do you hope to read as the year goes on? And do you have any book recommendations? A title you think everyone on planet Earth should read at least once? If so, let me know down below. I love hearing from my bookish family and enjoy knowing what you’re up to!
And please share this post with another reader! I would really appreciate it! Check me out on my other social platforms and feel free to ask me any questions via the comments or my contact page. My ears are always open…well, I guess it would be my eyes in this case wouldn’t it?
Oh, and don’t forget to tell me how close you are to your reading goal this year!
Happy reading!